Friday, December 3, 2010

Big Tent prompt "Enough"

Enough with Stuff

Enough is enough, this stuff, this stuff.
This Christmas I say, it’s enough with stuff.
We’ve loads of stuff, and it’s all enough, let us focus on our love.

We’ve got bling and fluff and it’s all enough.
What’s here today is gone in a puff.
Love endures much longer than stuff.
Focus on our love.

People purchase and give gifts because they feel that they must,
But true love doesn’t get old, sit around and collect dust.

Enough is enough, this stuff, this stuff.
Toys will break and wear out and shoes will scuff.
Stuff will never really be enough,
What we need is good old fashioned Love.


Connie L. Peters said...

This is to the tune of Mr. Ed.

Anonymous said...

Splendid 'stuff' Bravo!

flaubert said...

I enjoyed this especially with the tune in my head.

Tumblewords: said...

How true - penned with a great amount of smile and charm!

Wayne Pitchko said...

nicely done indeed.....thanks for sharing your words

Deb said...

Fun way with a tune! I loved the rhyming in stanza two.

And welcome to the Tent, too!

(Deb at )

gautami tripathy said...

Good rhyming there!

astral music

Anonymous said...

my thoughts, too. i've made big changes this year in this direction, and it feels good. :) thanks for joining us this week and writing!!

Cynthia Short said...

How fun to even think of the Mr. Ed song! Very good thoughts here, also!