Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nature's Praise

The trees of the forest shall sing for joy before the Lord. Psalm 96:12

with limbs stretched toward You,
soak in strength,
life and light,
drawing beauty from Your Son,
growing in Your grace.

A Quiet Voice Shouting

In my pastor's sermon, to encourage us to tell others about Jesus, used the illustration that if you knew there was a tornado coming to town, you would overcome your timidity, running through the neighborhood loudly warning people of coming disaster. I never told him, but I thought that I might leave a note on the door and let them find it in the rubble!

My shyness has always been a source of frustration for me, and God is dealing with it bit by bit, but I received encouragement one evening when an evangelist turned to me and said, “I believe God told me something about you. Sometimes it’s those who are the most quiet that have the biggest voice. I’ve never thought of that before.”

He acted surprised at the concept, but being a writer and someone who is active in prayer, the idea was very familiar to me. Romans 1 and Psalm 19 tells us that creation declares the glory of God. Those silent mountains, trees and skies all have a loud voice telling all men through all time about God’s existence, awesomeness and character.

It’s often said that communication is about 90% nonverbal. After caring for a nonverbal person in my home, I believe it. She can’t talk, but she gets her message across. Though I work on being more verbal, I’m not going to worry about the 10% so much, but concentrate on the 90% to communicate who He is.

We can express His character in our attitudes, our countenance, our body language and in the things we do. Saint Francis of Assisi said, “"Preach the gospel at all times -- If necessary, use words."

Parents are advised, “Your lessons are caught more than they are taught.” Also writers, painters, and prayer warriors can express who God is without making a peep. So let’s join in nature’s chorus and honor God in all we think, say, create, and do.


Elizabeth Johnson said...

Wow, this is absolutely beautiful Connie! Trees and Scripture are my two greatest inspirations, and anything poemed about them brings a huge grin to my face. Thanks for giving a smile this morning!

Linda H. said...

WOnderful post, Connie.