Sunday, November 9, 2014

PAD day 8 Blind

Just Like Us

“Guess who’s coming to see you today!”
Mama Fairy said excitedly.
 “Who?” Twinkle, Winkle and Sprinkle shouted.
“Your cousin Gwinny.”

“Isn’t she blind?” asked Twinkle.
“That’s so sad,” Sprinkle said, with a tear in her eye.
“How can she build towers, play tag or leap bug
 if she can’t see?” asked Winkle, frowning.

Mama said, “She can do all kinds of things.
She loves to play and have fun.
She likes to laugh and dance and sing.
She’s like you, she just can’t see.”

Just then there was a knock on the door.                                                                                           
Mama opened it and said, “Hi Gwinny!
Come in and meet your cousins,
Sprinkle, Winkle and Twinkle.”

Gwinny had a lovely smile. “Hi!” she said.
Mama said, “Take her in and show her your toys.”
Winkle frowned and Twinkle stared.
“I’ll help,” Sprinkle said, grabbing Gwinny’s arm.

Gwinny said, “Just talk and I’ll follow.”
She held up her sparkly cane.
“I get around pretty well with this.”
Twinkle shouted in Gwinny’s ear, “This way!”

“I can hear well,” Gwinny said. “I just can’t see.”
They played with blocks and stacked them high.
“Look how my tower is, Gwinny,” said Winkle, “I mean…”
Gwinny smiled and held out her hand.

Winkle placed her hand as high as his tower.
“I see,” she said and laughed. “It’s very high.”
With an impish grin she knocked it all down!
“Don’t worry I can help you build it again.” And she did.

It was a sunny day so they went out to play.
Gwinny followed them with the tap, tap tap of her cane.
“Won’t you get hurt outside?” asked Twinkle.
“I love to play outdoors,” said Gwinny.

“I can smell the flowers. And hear the birds.
I can feel the soft moss under my feet.
I can run and jump.”
And she did.

“Can you even fly?” Winkle asked.
“Yes, I can fly.”
She waved her cane above and before her,
and flew very well.

When she came down to land,
Sprinkle asked, “Aren’t you sad that you’re blind?”
“I’m always blind, but I don’t have to be always sad.
I enjoy all kinds of things. I don’t need to see.”

“I want to help you,” said Sprinkle.
“I like to help people, too,” said Gwinny.
“Let’s find someone who needs our help.”
“Mrs. Robin always needs help,” said Twinkle.

So the cousins helped Mrs. Robin birdy sit.
They laughed and danced and sang.
They had lots of fun.
Soon it was time for Gwinny to go home.

They all said, “Bye! Come again!”
After Gwinny left, Mama asked,
“Did you have fun today with cousin Gwinny?”
“Yes!” said Twinkle, Winkle and Sprinkle.

“At first I was sad for Gwinny,” Sprinkle said, “but now I’m glad.”
“I was mad,” said Winkle. “I didn’t think she’d be any fun, but she was.”
“I was afraid Gwinny would get hurt, “said Twinkle, “but she didn’t.”
“She’s just like us!” said the three fairy children. “She just can’t see.” 

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