Sunday, May 10, 2015

Phoenix Guild wordle

A Mother’s Day Poem of Sorts

When stress flames up like a California conflagration,
mothers may disparage all those around to cope.
She may seem austere as an old-time schoolmarm,
but her fanaticism for her children lies at the heart.

Presumptuous people assume that hate has won out.
But my rebuttal is that if she didn’t care, she wouldn’t cry.
The critic may say she must be more in control of herself
and not let her own pessimism dictate her actions.

The skeptic may say, some moms, but not all.
You can analyze, scrutinize, criticize but the loving one
would delineate what’s really going on in a mom’s life
and with gregarious enthusiasm lend a helping hand.

Friends prolific in kindness will go a long way to inspiring
the innovation, not the downfall, of moms everywhere. 

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